Dine Out Group 1
1st Thursday of each month
We meet at 6.30 pm on the first Thursday of the month (usually) and go to a variety of restaurants around town trying to alternate between Asian and European styles. Transport is shared so lack of a car is not a bar to attending. This group is full at the moment. (Convenor Judith Littlejohn).
Dine Out Group 1
Twelve members of this group spent very pleasant evening was spent at the Pickle Jar in Karori for the first get together of the year.

Dine Out Group 2
Meets 3rd Wednesday of each month.
No vacancies at the moment.
Please get in touch Jenny Middlemass
479-2638 if you would like further information.

The Lunch Group meets
every second month on a Wednesday.
New members are welcome to come along. Please let Raey Butterworth know if you would like to be on the email list to receive details of outings. raey@xtra.co.nz
Phone 461 6673

Lunch Group at La Cloche

Lunch Group at Crackerjack in February 2023