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May Dinner group 1, May 2024 copy.jpg


Dine Out Group 1


1st Thursday of each month

We meet at 6.30 pm on the first Thursday of the month (usually) and go to a variety of restaurants around town  trying to alternate between Asian and European styles. Transport is shared so lack of a car is not a bar to attending. This group is full at the moment.  (Convenor Judith Littlejohn).



Dine Out Group 1


Twelve members of this group spent very pleasant evening was spent at the Pickle Jar in Karori for the first get together of the year.  

Feb Picklejar.jpg

Dine Out Group 2

Meets 3rd Wednesday of each month.

No vacancies at the moment. 

Please get in touch Jenny Middlemass

479-2638 if you would like further information. 


Dining group at MariaLuca Ristoro (2).jpg

The Lunch Group meets

every second month on a Wednesday.

New members are welcome to come along. Please let Raey Butterworth know if you would like to be on the email list to receive details of outings.

Phone 461 6673 



Lunch Group at La Cloche


Lunch Group at Crackerjack in February 2023

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